Dynamic Vision Screening: A Complete Guide

Dynamic Vision Screening: A Complete Guide

Are you a pickleball player hoping to take it to the next level? Are you a golfer trying to improve putting consistency? Are you a daily commuter worried about your driving safety and reaction time? Are you a hiker wanting to be aware of your surroundings to stay safe...
3 Tips On How To Set Your Office Up Ergonomically

3 Tips On How To Set Your Office Up Ergonomically

One of the conversations I have most frequently with my clients is about desk set up. Do I really need a standing desk? What is the best chair for taller people?  My home set-up isn’t as good as my office set-up…should I invest more in it? What even is a good desk...
3 Ways to Prevent Injury as a Weekend Warrior

3 Ways to Prevent Injury as a Weekend Warrior

We’ve all been there- our friend asks you to fill in on their intramural softball team and you pull a hamstring on your first sprint down the baseline. You go out for a round of golf after work with our coworkers and feel your lower back tweak when you tee off later...

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